求職者登録 / Registration Form

<基本情報/Personal Particulars>
Full Name in Alphabet*
お名前(漢字)(for Japanese only)
電話番号/Contact Number*
パスポートNo./NRIC/Passport No.
生年月日/Date of birth*
配偶者の有無/Marital Status
配偶者の国籍/Spouse detail
運転免許証/Driving Licence
(in any Country)
<学歴/Educational Background>
最終学歴/Highest Education
学校名/School Name
卒業年/Year of graduation
<職歴/Employment Details>
現在 (以前) の勤務先/
Current/Most Recent Company Name
所属 / 職務/
Current/Most Recent Position Title
Latest Monthly Salary
Details (Basic, Allowances, etc)
希望給与額/Expected Monthly Salary
希望勤務地/Preferred Working Location
入社希望日/Availability (start work)
<語学能力/Language Proficiency>
マレー語/Bahasa Malaysia
その他の言語/Other Languages
<履歴書添付/Attach Resume>
添付ファイル その1/File No.1*

Choose File No file chosen
添付ファイル その2/File No.2

Choose File No file chosen
添付ファイル その3/File No.3

Choose File No file chosen
Additional Information
Please let us know the Job Code which you are interested, your preference and any enquiries.
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your job application/registration. Agensi Pekerjaan SRM S/B (Sakura Recruit Malaysia) would like to introduce our service and terms.

SRM will not charge jobseekers any application/registration or consultation fees. SRM will do our best to introduce job vacancies based on your expectations and experience. Applicants are required to complete SRM’s Registration Form, and/or provide any information that SRM may require, without making any false statements.

Interview arrangement & Follow-up
SRM will arrange interviews for Applicants based on Applicants’ availability, and will provide interview details once the interview has been confirmed with hiring companies. Applicants are to attend scheduled interviews on time, and should inform SRM in advance if they unable to attend due to any emergencies.
SRM will provide hiring companies’ feedback to Applicants after the interview. If the hiring company contacts Applicants directly after the interview, Applicants should update SRM accordingly.

Hiring offer
SRM will do our best to negotiate any terms and remuneration package with hiring company based on Applicants’ expectations. Applicants must inform SRM on their acceptance or rejection of hiring offer as soon as possible and should not make any false statements regarding the remuneration package.
Once Applicants have agreed and accepted the hiring offer, they should cease to attend any further interviews at other companies. If Applicants decide to reject the hiring offer, they must inform SRM in case they receive contact from hiring company after the rejection, or if the Applicants decide to accept the hiring offer.

Hired Applicants must report to duty on the agreed commencement date, and should inform SRM immediately if unable to report to duty on that date. Applicants should provide a reasonable explanation for the postponement of the commencement date.
Hired Applicants will NOT be penalized by SRM for resigning from the hiring company after joining. However, if hired Applicants decide to resign within 6 months of joining, they should inform SRM of their reason of resignation before tendering a resignation letter.